Colo-u-ring |
Let the Colo-u-ring app recreate the colouring book experience from your childhood, and relieve the stress and strain of modern life. You can spend five minutes Colo-u-ring or loose five hours Colo-u-ring depending on your schedule.
Colo-u-ring includes Pen, Pencil, Marker, Brush, and Bucket Fill tools, each with over 100 colours.
You can share a photo of your Colo-u-ring, or share a video of all the steps that created your Colo-u-ring. If you have more than one device then all your Colo-u-rings can be synced between devices via Apple iCloud.
The first release of Colo-u-ring featured 11 art works from professional artist Kay Jones. The second release features 12 geometric patterns by dgApps.
More Colo-u-rings should be coming sometime soon!